The sovereignty of God is often questioned because man does not understand what God is doing. Because He does not act as we think He should, we conclude He cannot act as we think He would. Join us, this coming Thursday at noon CST with our very special guest Stellar Fairbairn to explore the true meaning of Divine Sovereignty its connection to our practical lives This show will give you a completely new prospective….. Don’t miss it
Stellar is a Sacred Songstress of many lineages, A direct sound channel for the New Divine Feminine philosophy and Magdalene Consciousness, an Ascension Specialist for the current times. An evolutionary guide and facilitator of deeply sacred and High Initiatory experiences in Ireland, France and Egypt. Her music is scientifically proven to restore vitality and vibrancy and a sense of peace & calm. She is currently responsible for overseeing the return of the white flame to the planet and is the founder of the Stellar Ascension Academy. Craig Walker Musician Truther Researcher of the esoteric and seeks to combine his love of spirituality into his music. He plays drums for Nth Ascension and can be found at nthascension.com (Facebook Nth Ascension Music). He also runs a UK based online Crystal shop with his wife Emma which can be found at www.crystalfalls.co.uk Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon – founder of Swiftfire True Tv & Swiftfire International, author, naturopathic doctor, and conference speaker specializes in igniting all to TRUTH and TRUE wholeness path mind, body and spirit. Dr. Sharnael has done this through speaking in over 44 countries, writing 5 books including “The Science of Miracles”, producing her Crystal Oils and Decree Deck, and using online classes, social media, and Swiftfire TrueTv. Swiftfire True Tv’s focus is bringing light and healthy conversation to topics in current world events and issues many are facing today, as well as the resolutions to these issues.